Prestižní mezinárodní blog nakladatelství Kluwer International zveřejnil příspěvek JUDr. Martina Svatoše o Světovém mediačním fóru, které se konalo v červnu 2013 v Praze.

Kluwer Blog Mediation



UIA World Forum of Mediation Centres took part in Prague from Friday June 7 to Saturday June 8 20013. What are the newest developments mentioned during the symposium?
The beginning of the June 2013 was affected by heavily floods that stroke in all the Czech Republic and that threatened the Czech capital Prague. By coincidence, one of the largest meetings of mediators from all the parts of world organized by the Union Internationale des Avocats took part in Prague, so the coming participants were able to observe the rising water level of Prague’s river Vltava, as well as the beautiful city islands disappearing under water…

Článek je v angličtině dostupný zde.