Dr. Martin Svatos, Ph.D. is going to lecture on International Arbitration during the 56th Seminar of European and Comparative Law, organized by Urbino European Legal Studies Center of the University Carlo Bo, that will be held from 18th to 30th August 2014. This time, he is going to focus on the issue of arbitrability […]
Shanghai Summer School
The first volume of the Summer School was organized by the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) this July. Dr. Martin Svatos, Ph.D. was invited to give a lecture on international commercial arbitration and ADR on this occasion. The students passed the written exam after 14 credit hours of lecturing. The program took place […]
Lecture on Negotiation – Prague Summer School on International Business Transactions
From June to August 2014, the 2nd annual Prague Summer School on International Business Transactions has been taking place in Prague focussing on the most important legal fields of today, including dispute resolution, insolvency or mergers and acquisitions… The participants come mainly from China, but from the other countries as Australia too. On Tuesday, […]
Interactive Workshop on Arbitration at the Masaryk University in Brno
On the 3rd of June 2014, Dr. Martin Svatos, Ph.D. gave an interactive workshop on arbitration and ADR at the Faculty of Law of the Masaryk University in Brno, (Czech Republic). The main topics that was discussed was the impartiality and independence of the arbitrators, especially the correct application of the IBA Guidelines on […]
Negotiation training for students – Charles University and Shantou University (PRC)
On 9th April 2014, the students’ negotiation training was held in the Prague premises of multinational professional services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Students of the International Commercial Dispute Resolution Curriculum (IES FSS Charles University in Prague) had the opportunity to pit their wits against the multi-party investment treaty negotiation concerning the construction of a port. Among […]
Lecture at the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
Dr. Svatoš gave a lecture to the students of the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (上海政法学院) in China on international commercial mediation in the European context. Dr. Svatoš was invited as one of the leading experts in the field in Europe in order to explain to the students the basics of the Mediation […]
Dr. Svatoš became a member of AMATI
Dr. Martin Svatoš, Ph.D. became a first Czech member of AMATI (Association of Mediation Assessors, Trainers and Instructors), newly established organization that associates the leading professionals in the field of mediation training. AMATI is based in London, UK and among its members belong among others T. Garby (France), G. de Berti (Italy), Ch. Irvine (UK)… […]
Lecture on Arbitration at the Comenius University in Bratislava
Dr. Martin Svatos, Ph.D. was invited to lecture the students of the Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia) on international commercial arbitration. The speech took place on 4th March 2014 and it touched the issues of advantages and disadvantages of arbitration, ADR in general or delocalization of international dispute resolution. Dr. Svatos has picked so up the […]

Lectures on Arbitration in France and in Guadeloupe
Dr. Martin Svatos was invited to lecture on international commercial arbitration in Toulouse and in Guadeloupe. In this context, he is going to visit the Faculté Libre de Droit Institut Catholique de Toulouse this week where he is going to discourse on arbitration in general. Consequently, he is going to change the continent in order […]

Contemporary issues in International Arbitration
Dr. Svatos gave a lecture within the 55th Seminar of European and Comparative Law, organized by Urbino European Legal Studies Center of the University Carlo Bo in Urbino (Italy). It was entitled “Les questions contemporaines dans le domaine de l’arbitrage international : modèle standard et déviations dans la région de l’Europe centrale” and it concerned […]