Dr. Martin Svatos, Ph.D. is going to lecture on International Arbitration during the 56th Seminar of European and Comparative Law, organized by Urbino European Legal Studies Center of the University Carlo Bo, that will be held from 18th to 30th August 2014.   This time, he is going to focus on the issue of arbitrability of dispute in international commercial arbitration.


The official  title of the lecture is “L’arbitrabilité du litige dans l’arbitrage international.” You are kindly invite to participate.

The deadline of inscription is 2nd of August 2014. 

 The city of Raffaello and Federico da Montefeltro hosts its 56th Summer Seminar of European Law. Courses, concerning topical problems in private international law, European law and comparative law, will be taught in French, Italian and English by European civil servants, experts and professors coming from Italy (Tito Ballarino, Luigi Mari, Alessandro Bondi, Andrea Giussani, Paolo Morozzo della Rocca, Eleanora Ballarino, Paolo Pasqualis), Switzerland (Iliaria Pretelli), France (Danièle Réchard, Marie-Élodie Ancel, Sophie Gaudemet, Georges Cavalier), England (Robert Bray) and Czech Republic (Martin Svatoš).

Attendance to the Seminar is attested by a certificate, and passing the exams of the Seminar twice, whether two summers in a row or not, is sanctioned by a diploma in comparative law granted by the prestigious five-centuries old Law Faculty of the Urbino University.The lectures are held in French, Italian and English at the Law Faculty of Urbino University, by visiting lecturers from many European countries and focus on current issues of European law, private international law, comparative law and Italian law.

You can find the flyer including all important information here. See also the Programme of the Seminar. For any queries please contact Dr. Edoardo Rossi seminaire@uniurb.it.


Urbino56ème Séminaire de Droit Comparé et Européen

fondato nel 1959 da
Enrico Paleari e Germain

18 – 30 août


  • Les contrats de distribution en droit international privé
    Marie-­‐Elodie ANCEL, Professeur à l’Université Paris-­‐Est Créteil, Paris XII
  • Il diritto penale internazionale
    Tito BALLARINO,Già Professore Ordinario all’Università
    degli Studi di Urbino
  • Le immunità al vaglio della Commissione Giuridica
    de Parlamento Europeo
    Robert BRAY, Secretariat of the Committee on Legal Affairs,
    European Parliament
  • Transferts de siège et fusions en droit international
    Georges CAVALIER, Maître de conférences à l’Université
    Jean Moulin, Lyon 3
  • La réserve héréditaire
    Sophie GAUDEMET, Professeur à l’Université Paris-Sud, Paris XI
  • Recenti orientamenti sulla filiazione
    Paolo MOROZZO DELLA ROCCA, Professore all’Università degli studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”
  • Status filiationis tra valori costituzionali e diritto internazionale privato
    Ilaria PRETELLI, Collaboratrice scientifica, Istituto Svizzero di diritto comparato
  • Le garanzie bancarie a prima richiesta, Pratica commerciale, diritto internazionale privato
    Tuto ROSSI, Avvocato internazionalista, Docente all’università di Friburgo
  • Le droit pénal européen 2.0
    Alessandro BONDI, Professore all’Università degli studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”
  • Le Class Actions in Europa
    Andrea GIUSSANI, Professore all’Università degli studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”
  • Il notaio, mediatore culturale nel diritto internazionale privato
    Paolo PASQUALIS, Notaio
  • Civil law systems vs common law systems in international contracts practice
    Eleonora BALLARINO, Avvocato internazionalista
  • L’arbitrabilité du litige dans l’arbitrage international
    Martin SVATOŠ, Mediator and Arbitrator