Arbitrator (VIAC, Football Association of the Czech Republic, Czech Arbitration Court, ad hoc) and Mediator (Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. ICC, CAS/TAS, ad hoc)
President of the Working Group of the ICC Czech Republic
Head of the ADR Centre at the Charles University in Prague and at the Urbino European Law Seminar
Member of the board of the International Commodity Exchange Arbitration Court
Regular Contributor to the Kluwer Mediation Blog
Collective Labour Mediator and Arbitrator registered by the Ministry of Labour and Social
Martin Svatoš, Ph.D. is one of the leading Czech mediators and arbitrators. He has acted in more than 600 both international and domestic mediation cases (in Czech/Slovak, English, French, and German). With a success rate of more than 85%, he belongs to the most successful and experienced mediators in Central Europe. As a mediator, he is listed by the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic, the Court of Arbitration for Sports, Camera Arbitrale in Milano, and the Energy Community. He was also repeatedly appointed as an ICC Mediator. He acts as the President of the Working group of the ICC Czech Republic for mediation. Martin has served in several arbitrations both as chairman, member of the tribunal and of counsel. He has been listed as an arbitrator by the VIAC, Arbitration Court of the Czech Football Association and Czech Arbitration Court). Since 2020, Martin has served as the head of the ADR Centre at Charles University School of Law where he is in charge of the negotiation, mediation and arbitration courses. He also lectures at the Seminar of European and Comparative Law in Urbino (Italy). In past, he was visiting professor at the University of the French West Indies in Guadeloupe and at the Faculté Libre de Droit Institut Catholique de Toulouse. He has been giving visiting lectures at numerous foreign universities (Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (PRC) Georgetown University (USA) and many others. In 2016, he acted as a member of the Czech delegation to the UNCITRAL WG II.He publishes and gives speeches at international conferences on a regular basis. He is one of the co-editors of the EU Mediation Handbook (Kluwer International, 2017), Commentary on Czech Mediation Law (Kluwer Czech Republic, 2019) and the author of the leading Czech monograph on mediation Tajemství mediace aneb Řešení sporů od A do Z. As a speaker, he attended many international conferences all around the globe (the UIA World Forum of Mediation Centres, the IBA Annual Conference, the German Arbitration Institute Annual Conference, the Conference of the Mediators’ Institute of Ireland (Dublin)…
The following are some of the mediation cases dr. Martin Svatoš, Ph.D. was involved in:
appointed as mediator by the ICC ADR Centre in international dispute (energy and construction);
his Mediation Training Curriculum was accredited as a first mediation training in the Czech Republic by the Ministry of Education;
mediator of an IT dispute regarding the implementation software between a service provider and its client;
representing Singaporean party in mediation according to the ICC Mediation rules in a dispute arising out of a licensing and distributorship agreement;
mediator of an international dispute arising out of a licensing agreement (Swiss law, Czech and South-American parties);
mediator in-house dispute within one of the leading Czech dining company;
mediator of a dispute between Czech exporter and Lebanese importer;
mediator of an international dispute between cleaning instruments manufacturer and its customer;
mediator of a collective bargaining dispute between a public transport provider in a regional city and its unions;
mediator of a collective bargaining dispute between a crucial subcontractor of an automotive-industry company and its unions;
mediator of a collective bargaining dispute between a Czech public entity active in culture and its unions;
The following are some of the mediation cases dr. Martin Svatoš, Ph.D. was involved in:
representing a party in a dispute against a leading European pharmaceutic company in an ICC arbitration;
representing a Slovak party – buyer in an international case against Russian seller related to the metallurgic, energetic and chemical industry in an ICC arbitration;
presiding arbitrator of a dispute between a football club and an agent related to payment of the transfer-fee;
sole-arbitrator of an international dispute related to IT (Czech law)
presiding arbitrator of a dispute between two football clubs related to payment of so-called training compensations;
presiding arbitrator of a dispute between a football club and a coach related to a payment of a fee;
arbitrator of a dispute between a football club and a player related to the payment of a fee;
Profesní mlčenlivost v mediaci aneb Jak nemít oslí uši, in Súkromné právo, vol. VII, pp.193-198, 2021.
Tajemství mediace aneb Řešení sporů od A do Z, Art Francesco 2020; 2020.
Komentář k Zákonu o Mediaci (Mediation Law Commentary), Kluwer (2019).
Nejefektivnější způsoby tréninku mediace: Proč (ne)fungují?in Súčasné trendy vzdelávania v mediácii, Asocácia Mediátorov Slovenska (2017).
WIN-WIN in Practice: Mediation Helping with Sports Disputes and Sports Disputes Helping Mediation, Kluwer Mediation Blog; July 2017.
The Mediator who Planted Trees, Kluwer Mediation Blog; January 2017.
Why Should We Have a New York Convention on Mediation? In 谈判 Tán Pàn: The Chinese- English Journal on Negotiation (2016).
Mediační výzvy: Přímá cesta k business mediaci? E-Pravo, 2016
Investment Mediation: Sci-Fi or Prediction, Kluwer Mediation Blog; November 2016
Seriál o mediaci, Právní prostor 2015, dostupné online
The Mediator-Judge Interaction: Does the Win-Win Approach Apply?in Bělohlávek, A. J. – Rozehnalová, N. (eds): Czech (& Central European) Yearbook of Arbitration, Volume V, 2015, Interaction of Arbitration and Courts , JurisNet, LLC, New York, 2015, ISBN 978-1-937518-71-4 March 2015
Vztah soudů a mediace v předmediační fázi: Konkurence nebo symbióza? In Suchodža, J. – Husár, J. (Eds.) : Právo, obchod, ekonomika IV. – Zborník vedeckých prác, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Košice 2014.
When the Mediators Pay the Highest Price; Kluwer Mediation Blog; August 21, 2014
Independence and Impartiality of Arbitrators and Mediators – The Castor and Pollux of the ADR World? in Bělohlávek, A. J. – Rozehnalová, N. – Černý, F. (eds): Czech (& Central European) Yearbook of Arbitration, Volume IV, “Independence and Impartiality of Arbitrators”, JurisNet, LLC, New York, 2014, ISBN 978-1-937518-39-4. 2014
Early Case Assessment – tři slova, co šetří statisíce, in Právní rádce, No.2, Vol. 2014, Economia, Prague
Hybridní ADR procesy MED-ARB a ARB-MED – na hranici dvou světů?In Suchodža, J. – Husár, J. (Eds.) : Právo, obchod, ekonomika III. – Zborník vedeckých prác, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Košice 2013, ISBN 978-80-8152-056-3.
Mýty a fakta o prvním setkání s mediátorem, aneb všechno, co jste o mediaci chtěli vědět, ale báli jste se zeptat, in Bulletin Advokacie, Prague, 2013
Mandatory Mediation Strikes Back,, Blog, online text available at
Greetings from Prague – World Forum of Mediation Centres, Kluwer Mediation Blog, online, available at
Evropské aspekty mediace a dalších ADR, online text, available at, 2013.
Důvěrnost v mediaci: Přišel jsem, viděl jsem, mlčel jsem in Právní rádce, No.4, Vol. 2013, Economia, Prague.
MED-ARB: Řešení sporů pro 21. Století in Právní rádce, No.1, Vol. 2013, Economia, Prague.
Nestrannost a nezávislost rozhodcu: Od konfliktu zájmu k prátelství na sociální síti in Právní rádce, No.6, Vol. 2012, Economia, Prague.
The Subjective Arbitrability in International Commercial Arbitration: The Czech and the foreign approach, in ŠTURMA, P.: IV. Konference studentské vedecké odborné cinnosti: sborník vítezných prací. 1st.edition. Prague: Charles University. Faculty of law, 2011, ISBN 978-80-87146-47-7.
Objective Arbitrability in International Commercial Arbitration, Charles University, Prague, 2011.
Arbitrability and International Commercial Arbitration, Charles University, Prague, 2011.
International Merger and Acquisition, Charles University, Prague, 2009.
The Conflict of the ECHR and the ECJ Jurisdiction from the Viewpoint of Multilevel Governance, Masaryk University, Brno, 2008.
At International Conferences
2019, CIArb Annual Conference (Praha, ČR).
2019, BREXIT and Dispute resolution, VIZE2020 (Praha, ČR)
2019, Prague Negotiation and Mediation Week (Praha, ČR).
2018, Allerhand Dispute Resolution, Mediation and Arbitration Summit, Mediation in Hindsight: Six years of Czech Mediation Law, Krakow (Polsko).2
2018, Prague Negotiation and Mediation Week (Praha, ČR).
2016, IBA Annual Conference, UNCITRAL Draft Treaty on Mediated Settlement Agreements (Wahsington DC, USA)
2016, Právní prostor 2016, Efektivní řešení obchodních sporů (Seč, Czech Republic)
2015, Prague Arbitration Roundtable,Faculty of Law, UK (Prague, Czech Republic) 2015, Association of Dispute Resolution and John Jay College, Unbearable Lightness of European Mediation (New York, USA)
2015, First Symposium on Mediation, Arbitration and Shanghai Free Trade Zone Dispute Resolution (Shanghai, PRC)
2014, YIAG, Independence and Impartiality of Arbitrators, (Istanbul, Turkey)
2014 Mediators’ Institute of Ireland, A Look over the Fence – Emerging Trends in Mediation Practice in the EU, co-speaker with Sabine Walsh (Dublin, Ireland)
2014 Právo, obchod, ekonomika IV (Štrbské pleso, Slovakia)
2014 YIAG (Conference Warsaw, Poland)
2014 UIA World Forum of Mediation Centres (Thessaloniki, Greece)
2013 Mediace Tremedias (Jihlava, Czech Republic)
2013 UIA World Forum of Mediation Centres (Prague, Czech Republic)
2013 Právo, obchod, ekonomika III (Štrbské pleso, Slovakia)
Guest Speeches at Universities
2018 – Comenius University in Bratislava, (Slovakia).
2018 – KAZGUU University, Kazakhstan
2017 – Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA
2016 – Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Urbino, Italy
2016 – John Cabot University Rome, Italy
2015 – Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Urbino, Italy
2015 – Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, New York, USA
2015 – Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, PRC
2015 – Université des Antilles (Guadeloupe, France)
2014 – Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Urbino (Italy)
2014 – Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, PRC
2014 – Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (PRC).
2014 – Masaryk University in Brno (CZ).
2014 – Comenius University in Bratislava, (Slovakia).
Who’s Who Legal 2018 – Official Selection for the Czech Republic
2018 Mediation Lawyer of the Year in the Czech Republic, Corporate Intl Global Award
Who’s Who Legal 2017 – Official Selection for the Czech Republic
Who’s Who Legal 2016 – Official Selection for the Czech Republic
Mediator of the Year 2016, by Wealth and Finance INTL
Pieter Sanders Award, Best Memorandum for Claimant, 3rd place, 19th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, University of Paris I. Pantheon– Sorbonne
Students’ Law Science Competition, Charles University, Prague, (Czech Republic), 2011, 1st place in the branch of International Law, article: “The Subjective Arbitrability in International Commercial Arbitration: The Czech and the foreign approach“
Visiting Lecturer at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economy, 2014.
Lecturer at the Faculté Libre de Droit Institut Catholique de Toulouse, International Arbitration, Toulouse, France 2013.
Intern, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris, France, 2012.
Intern, Embassy of Czech Republic in France, Paris, France, 2012.
Intern, Chamber of arbitration of Milan, Milan, Italy, 2012.
Research Assistant, Charles University in Prague – Department of European Law, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007-2008.
Doctoral Studies, International Private Law and International Commercial law, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, 2011 – 2013, specialization: International Commercial Arbitration – postgraduate.
Master 2 (professional) of International Commercial Law, University of Paris 1 Pantheon- Sorbonne, Sorbonne Law School, Paris, France, 2011-2012; graduate.
Doctorate Viva Voce Examination: International Private Law and International Commercial law, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, 2011, the thesis on the issue: “Objective Arbitrability in International Commercial Arbitration” (Dr.).
Diploma in Comparative Law (Diploma di diritto comparato), University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Urbino, Italy, 2010-2011.
Summer School of International and Comparative Law, Cornell Law School, Paris, France, 2009.
General Law Studies, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, 2005 – 2011, graduate.
Czech– Native or bilingual proficiency
English – Full professional proficiency
French – Full professional proficiency
German – Professional working proficiency
Italian – Elementary proficiency
Slovak – Native proficiency due to the similarity to Czech