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Commentary on Czech Mediation Law
The Wolters Kluwer Czech Republic published a Commentary on Czech Mediation Law by Dr Tomáš Horáček, Ph.D., Dr Martin Svatoš, PhD and Dr Miloš Olík, PhD. The authors of the publication are regarded as well recognised experts in the ADR field and the book received numerous appraisals. The 352 pages long publication deals not only with […]
Speech at Comenius University in Bratislava
Bratislava’s branch of ELSA (The European Law Students’ Association) organised a speech of Dr. Martin Svatos, Ph.D. at the Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia which took place on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. The topic of the speech was: Could all Disputes Be Resolved through Mediation The attendees recruited from students of the Comenius University, […]

Who’s Who Legal 2018
Dr. Martin Svatoš, Ph.D. was selected by the prestigious international ranking Who’s Who Legal as one of the global-renown experts in mediation for the year 2018. The publication Who’s Who Legal: Mediation 2018 puts together the most appreciated mediators and ADR experts in the world. Similar appreciation of his expertise took place in 2016 and 2017. […]

Urbino European Law Seminar
Also this year, Dr. Martin Svatos gave a lecture at the Urbino European Law Seminar in Urbino, Italy. This year topic was L’indépendance et l’impartialité des arbitres et des médiateurs. In his seminar, Dr. Svatos addressed the topic of neutrality – impartiality and independence of arbitrators and mediators. The attendees of the seminar came from different […]
5th Allerhand Dispute Resolution, Mediation and Arbitration Summit
The 5th Allerhand Dispute Resolution, Mediation and Arbitration Summit took place on 7 June 2018 in Cracow, Poland. The event organised by Allerhand Institute in cooperation with Cracow Bar Association hosted many international experts on Alternative Dispute Resolution as the invitation had been accepted by renowned mediation and arbitration practitioners from Austria, Germany, Russia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Czech […]
Prague Negotiation and Mediation Week
From May 21-25, 2018, the first edition of the Prague Negotiation and Mediation Week took place in Prague, Czech Republic. It welcomed ADR professionals and enthusiasts from eleven different countries from all around the globe. This challenging series of lectures, workshops and interactive role-plays was supplemented with pleasant social programme such as a wine-tasting, cocktail […]
Seminar at the Office of the Solicitor General of the Philippines
Dr. Martin Svatos, Ph.D. was honoured to be invited to give a seminar on negotiation and mediation for the Office of the Solicitor General of the Philippines. On May 15 and 16, 2018, the intensive and interactive seminar was held in Manila, Philippines and it was attended by more than 100 lawyers. Apart from the theoretic […]

ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR
As from spring 2018, Dr. Martin Svatoš, Ph.D. was appointed a member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR representing the Czech Republic. The ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR is a unique think tank and rule-making body of the International Chamber of Commerce in the field of international dispute resolution. The commission proposes new policies in […]
Lecture at the KAZGUU University, Kazakhstan
Dr. Martin Svatos, Ph.D. was invited to give a lecture at the KAZGUU University, Kazakhstan, on international commercial dispute resolution. The three days long seminar addressed the issues of negotiation, mediation and arbitration (April 5-7, 2018). The lecture was financed by the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, German Academic Exchange Service) The DAAD supports over 100,000 German and […]