Also this year, Dr. Martin Svatos gave a lecture at the Urbino European Law Seminar in Urbino, Italy. This year topic was L’indépendance et l’impartialité des arbitres et des médiateurs. In his seminar, Dr. Svatos addressed the topic of neutrality – impartiality and independence of arbitrators and mediators. The attendees of the seminar came from different countries from all around the world including Italy, France, Congo, Israel, Russia, USA…
At the occasion of the Seminar, Dr. Svatoš dedicated his recent book the EU Mediation law Handbook to the library of the University of Urbino (Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo).
The Urbino European Law Seminar is a summer course organised every year since 1959 by the Center for European Legal Studies of Urbino. The lectures are held in French, Italian and English at the Law Faculty of Urbino University, by visiting lecturers from many European countries and focus on current issues of European law, private international law, comparative law and Italian law.
Following the seminar, participants are given a certificate as proof of their attendance.
The Urbino European Law Seminar was inaugurated on the 24th of August 1959 by Henri Batiffol, Phocion Francescakis, Alessandro Migliazza, Francesco Capotorti, Enrico Paleari and Germain Bruillard.