
The meeting of the UNCITRAL Working Group II took place from September 12 to 23, 2016 in Vienna (Austria). Its only item on the schedule was the draft convention on enforcement of mediated settlement agreements.

Dr. Martin Svatos, Ph.D. has been appointed as a member of the Delegation of the Czech Republic to the WGII. He actively participated in the discussions and influenced its deliberations.

img_1240The working group has discussed a lot of importnat points, such as opt-in/opt-out mechanism, proof of the mediators’ participation or the requirements the mediated settlement agreements need to meet in order to be covered by the scope of the perspective document.  However, the main issue, i.e. whether the instrument will take form of a convention or of a model law, has not yet been decided

You can see the documents related to the WGII activity here.

The next session of the UNCITRAL WG II will take place in February 2017 in New York.

