Kluwer Mediaiton BlogMartin Svatos became regular contributor to the Kluwer Mediaiton Blog. This prestigious platform puts together the leading experts in the field of international mediation. Its goal is to publish on monthly basis opinions, articles and comments on actual development in the alternative dispute resolution.

Here, you can read an extract of the first regular post of Dr. Svatos


How Mediation Helped Resolved Two Thousands Years Old Mystery…

There is by far no other nation that would contribute to European civilisation with such an enormous portion and that would be so easily forgotten as the Etruscans. According to some authors, their influence to nowadays’ Europe culture is at least comparable to that one of Romans or Greeks. And yet, how many people enjoying a glass of famous Italian wine Chianti know that the first grape wines in the area of Tuscany were planted by Etruscans some two and half thousands years ago? Or do you ever ponder where did the Adriatic Sea take its name from? Only few know that its origin is related to the ancient city of Hadria and that it is related to Etruscan denomination of blue colour. Or how many tourists have ever wondered when sitting at Piazza Navona and drinking their cup of coffee or just walking through the narrow streets of Rome, who helped to found that city and who boosted it from the village to the modern city? Despite the omnipresence of Etruscan in Europe, to the modern society they are almost unknown.


The whole article may be approached here.